
Merge our process knowledge, methods and expertise with your industry, technical and operational knowledge.


Merge our process knowledge, methods and expertise with your industry, technical and operational knowledge.

The value we bring you is the knowledge, experience and methods that enable you to implement your business process based strategy. At the same time we advise and coach you and your team, so that you achieve the business goals and benefits you seek from your process program.

We offer the following services. As well as our experience, knowledge and expertise we provide unique methods, techniques, templates and formats to enable you to achieve process excellence.

Process Programs

Program Management, together with Portfolio Management is the business discipline that links strategy to projects. Projects do not deal with uncertainty well, they require certainty of method and goals to succeed. Program management handles complexity and uncertainty and manages change in the internal and external project environment. Any organisation serious about improving its processes should start a process program, not just go straight into a series of process projects. It may be necessary to run a single process project to prove the worth of BPM, but once this is done a program should be initiated. Once in place the program will ensure that the business benefits envisage by the strategy are achieved and the resultant processes and systems are the best possible for the business. Read more about programs.

Business Processes Australia provides support for your process program in a form best suited to your needs, including but not limited to the services listed below.

Business Process Education

Our courses are business courses.  They necessarily cover BPM technologies but from a business perspective.

Private Course, general content

We deliver a standard two-day course on your own premises. This is an economic and effective way of bringing your team up to speed all at the same time and is a very good way of kicking off a new BPM program. The course delivery allows time to discuss local issues.  The fee includes one hour pre- and post-course preparation and follow-up meetings.

Tailored Course with program consulting reviews

We adapt our course specifically for your needs, relating it directly to the work you want undertaken by your people.  We then deliver it to your team.  As your program progresses we conduct regular reviews to ensure your team is applying the knowledge and formats they have learned.

BPM Consulting

We guide and support your BPM program and projects, from the point at which you decide to implement the business strategy, right through to implementation of new processes and online workflow systems and any organisational changes.

We supply expert knowledge and guidance to ensure you get the business benefits you are looking for and to upskill your people. We only provide the support you need, your people will take on more and more as they gain experience. This way you keep consulting costs to a minimum whilst getting the maximum advantage for your business. See the ‘Programs’ tab above for more information about programs.

BPM Coaching

It is essential that senior sponsorship and business ownership be in place and exercised throughout the BPM program, but the person with that responsibility needs support and guidance, which we can supply. Senior executives know a lot about their business and how to run them, but they may not know about process design and implementation, and the extraordinary gains that can be made by designing innovative processes. The worst approach is to agree the strategy then pass the whole initiative to a project manager and rely on that person to deliver the business goals. This is unrealistic and setting yourselves up for failure. Experience proves that this approach results in missing the best opportunities and implementing no more than a satisfactory process and system, whereas the right approach can yield new thinking, new ways of doing things, and major gains in value and customer appreciation.  Business leadership is essential for real success, combined with business process expertise.

The BPM Program launches individual process projects. Each project needs a project manager or team leader. We prefer to see business managers as team leaders, with project management expertise being provided by us or an internal project manager, this ensures that the process efficacy takes precedence over other constraints. At the same time we will coach the team leader as much as required, which is usually only in the early stages of the project. See individual project activities in ‘Program Phases’ under the ‘Programs’ tab above.

Subject Matter Expert Roles

As the BPM program progresses your people gain confidence in what they are doing and increasingly take on the leadership and management activities and detailed work without the need for coaching. As this happens we pull back to providing subject matter expertise as it is needed by different leaders and teams. This typically occurs by the consultant taking on the SME (subject matter expert) role in project teams, but leaving the other team members to do most of the work.

Selection of BPM Systems (BPMS)

Today few business processes are designed that are not to be implemented in some sort of online system. What sort of system is crucial to the success of the BPM Program.

Traditionally enterprise systems were database systems, that is information was stored in and retrieved from databases and the system design revolved around these activities. In consequence whilst the system had many screen views users could use to input and retrieve information, it was up to the user to select which screen to use, there was no workflow. With the advent of Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) enterprises were able to link systems together with the aim of inputting information only once and retrieving it many times via different systems. Then the arrival of workflow management systems introduced proactive task management by the system on top of the databases, so now systems have a business process view of operations that drive activities, not just data. Workflow systems have grown and now incorporate EAI as well as process modelling and process reporting modules, these systems are called BPMS (or iBPMS) suites or applications and increasingly RPA applications, although these are not the same.

Like any enterprise system selection, it is important that the business needs drive the process; the system needs to have the necessary technical functionality, and to fit into the enterprise technical architecture effectively.  These can be expensive investments and a good selection team will include business, BPM and technical specialists. We provide the BPM specialist, you provide the business and technical specialists, together we will ensure you get best value for money.

Quality Assurance Reviews

We offer two sorts of QA reviews:

a) You already have a process program or project in train and you need it to be objectively reviewed, either to reassure yourself you are on the right track, or because you are worried you may not be on the right track. We can review your program or project quickly and effectively and report back to you. Moreover if required we can agree a resultant action program with you and monitor its implementation.

b) Good governance requires that you satisfy yourself that a program or project is going well before you sanction a further phase involving more resource consumption. This is a gateway review that, for example, is conducted when the AS IS has been mapped and you are about to start the TO BE design phase; or you have completed the TO BE design and are about to start the system configuration phase, or you have completed system configuration and have tested the system and are about to enter the implementation phase.

Because we are specialised in BPM and work with different clients in different industries we can quickly identify issues during the review process and we can prevent expensive errors for a small cost.

If you require something different contact us at offer a 2 hour first meeting with your CEO or senior executive(s) at no charge (If you are not in Sydney some travel costs may be chargeable).

If you require something different contact us at offer a 2 hour first meeting with your CEO or senior executive(s) at no charge (If you are not in Sydney some travel costs may be chargeable).